How I Started Turning Writing Tricks for Money (Confessions of a Word Ho)
Yep. I did it. I sold out. I admit it. Yes, folks, I am a literary skank, a word ho, a strumpet of chat, pimped out for my pen and trading my copy on the virtual online street corner. I give a come on to sailors and businessmen alike, selling my verbal goodies on the open market to the highest bidder.
Admittedly, I have a few published works, and I still write about things I am interested in, but for the most part, I just ho myself out for the moolah. I take all comers and will write copy and content on almost any subject -if someone crosses my palm with the weight of a silver coin. Now, come close. I have a confession to whisper in your ear. Secretly, I enjoy it. It makes me feel dirty just to say that, but it is true. I like selling it. I like creating copy and content for others. I enjoy looking at an ad and knowing that it is my words on the page.
Granted, writing for the pure pleasure of it wonderful, but getting paid to create is pretty fun-provided that is, that you have a lot of drive and a really thick skin. You do have to have some rudimentary skills, and it is work, mind you, but there are worse things than sitting in your pajamas and stringing words together to express idea.
If you have been wanting to leave your days of feeling like a hamster running on a wheel, locked away in a cubicle zoo, then maybe you should consider writing. Screw the nobility of creating the next great novel or suffering for your art. I say, get some cash in your back pocket, feed your children and pay your bills.
Words are after all, a means to an end. They are bridges from our hearts and minds into the lives of others. Words, mere syllables, sounds and symbols represent ideas, emotions and in the case of writers, commerce.
Words can be spellbinding; they can lift us up, create panoramic views that move us to be better than we were, or they can fan the embers of prejudice and hate or even promote acts of terrible violence. Words have the power to connect and to divide, to heal and to break asunder. Therefore, words must be used wisely and, I believe, responsibly. I think we can make the world a better place, just because of the magnificent and terrible power of simple words.
Then again, I may be an idiot. True, I, like any writer, have a romance with sound of words. The written word is my lover, my muse, my enemy and my friend all at once. It seizes me and shakes me awake at night with the power of ideas.
It torments me, cajoles me and lures me in all at the same time. Most of all though, it brings me joy and some pretty decent money. And that is why I am starting this blog, to chronicle my journey into writing. I want to share it as it happens, pass on what I learn and inspire other budding writers to join the herd and learn to make a living from what we love (and sometimes hate) to do. We shall see.
Having said that, check back with me later as the adventure continues. Victoria
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