Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jumping off: Writing for a Living

 Standing on the lonely precipice, your foot dislodges a few small pebbles; they tumble off into the unknowable... 

You are filled with a mysterious longing, a need to move forward, to plunge into a life that is yet to be. You want to write for a living, but you are not sure if you are good enough.

Do you have the right alchemy of the soul, the kind that bends words into lovely forms? Have you suffered enough for your craft?  To which I gently reply, "Who gives the fussy crack of a rodent's furry little backside?"

Who says that you have to pay your dues? And, exactly where are these mysterious dues going?

Please feel free to email me number of the Swiss bank account that has been gathering fees wrung from the agony of writers throughout time.

Just freaking do it. Stop worrying about being "good enough." No matter what your level of talent, there is an audience that needs and wants your words. Will you have to work a bit. Um, yes. Will you get knocked down a few times? Duh.

Is it worth it? You bet your sweet word processor it is. Write. Just freaking do it already. Get your big girl panties on and move forward. There is no cure for a lack of experience, other that is, of course, than getting some by writing your butt off.

By the way, that goes for anything in life. Quit whining. Quit talking about doing it and just go and do it already. Make a plan. Take action. Start now. Why are you still reading? Go and write. Like, now.

1 comment:

  1. This post is dedicated to one of my writing heroes, Carol Tice. If you want to write (and want some killer resources), check out her stuff. Wow.
